Make Space for YOU!

Summer is a great time to take a mental break, recharge and build skills so that you can handle what’s ahead. Making space to prioritize your mental health, make healthy choices and develop wellness habits will help you succeed academically and personally. It’s all about finding balance. Here are some suggestions and thought-provoking questions to get you started.

Teen Girl
REFLECT: Use the summer break to reflect on the past school year. Think about which classes and extracurricular activities you liked best and why you enjoyed them so much.
Questions: What accomplishments are you most proud of? If certain things didn’t go as you hoped, what could you have done differently?
KEEP A JOURNAL: Journaling – writing down your thoughts and goals – offers an array of benefits from processing emotions to sparking self-discovery. And it encourages space and distance from negative thought and lets you consider them in a more objective way.
Questions: Will you keep a handwritten or online journel? Will you keep it private or share?
Teen Girl
PRIORITIZE SELF-CARE: Self-care means something different to everyone. Before you jump into another busy academic year, it is important that you take the time to reset and recharge, whether that’s setting aside time each day to read for fun, do something active outside, or work on something creative. Try out the tool to reflect on how you’re feeling and gather personalized tips and strategies to help manage stress.
Questions: What are your top three things to do to relax? How much time will you carve out for them this summer?
GET MOVING: Keep your body moving, get plenty of sleep, fuel yourself with healthy food and avoid alcohol and other drugs. All of these things will impact your mood and energy levels. Make a commitment to move your body every day. It doesn’t matter what you do, just move. Added bonus: nature is a natural stress reliever so take your movement outdoors to get your good stress hormones flowing.
Questions: What will you do to keep your body healthy this summer? Can you make a commitment to add movement into your day at least three days per week?
Teen Girl
SOCIALIZE: Connecting with friends and family increases your sense of happiness and well-being and staves off loneliness. While school is a natural gathering place, summer can be more isolating. Make plans to see your friends regularly.
Questions: Who are your favorite friends to hang out with? What are some fun things you can do together?