Here’s how our testimonial page works: Somebody shares their thoughts about healthy ways to deal with the “pressure to succeed” on the Island. The goal is to inspire others to manage stress in a healthy way and join the Island Space movement.

Strong Testimonials form submission spinner.


RE, 10th Grade

I like to spend time taking care of myself and my needs. Doing things like listening to music, doing my skincare, and hanging out with my friends!

JP 10th Grade

Sometimes, you have to go outside of your comfort zone in one way to become more comfortable in another. I learned this on accident, somewhere around early middle school. I found that I liked wearing crazy outfits and costumes that were far from subtle, and while I witnessed some teasing, I soon found that I inherently wiggled free of some of the pressures around me. I learned that if I’m secure enough with who I am to ignore the words of others about my costumes, I unintentionally became able to ignore the words of pressure that came from my peers. The moral of the story? While I’m not exactly recommending you show up to school as Spiderman every day, I would really recommend stretching a little past your comfort zones in a way that has nothing to do with school… it may end up helping you find the independent confidence you seek!

E.N 9th grade

A great way to deal with stress is to have people to talk to about it. Having someone to talk to that you trust is important because they can support you and get you through tough times.

A.S. 11

I manage stress my giving myself time to relax, and giving myself time to not do work. I think it gets really hard to take breaks because you feel this pressure to constantly be working. Allowing myself to take rests when I need has helped my manage my stress, and avoid burnout. I also like to break up any studying into smaller bits with 5 minute breaks, instead of one long session. This allows me to have time to relax as well as process what I am studying.

CF Junior

Improving time management skills. Because the main reason people get stressed is because they feel like they don’t have enough time. Also learning to ask teachers for extra time and extensions is a very helpful skill that can be used to manage workload. Sleep is also very important never sacrifice sleep multiple days in a week.

AL 11th

I tend to enjoy sitting on the couch with a blanket and putting aside time to crochet for a couple hours just to wind down and relax. Using your extra time to do something that feels like you are accomplishing something that is enjoyable for you really does make a positive difference in your mood.

NY, 11th

I think a healthy way of balancing stress is to ensure a healthy school/life balance. Being able to go out and do things you enjoy even if it’s just a short 10-minute walk can be really beneficial to your daily life.

RH 11th Grade

One way that I deal with the “pressure to succeed” is just spending time to take care of myself. One notable thing that I continue to do when i’m stressed is take a relaxing bath with bath salts and bubble bath, I always find that this calms me.

ZIG 11

Something I do to relieve stress is get involved in physical activity. Whether it’s lifting weights or playing soccer with friends there is always some physical activity that I can do to relax. Another stress release mechanism I use is listening to music. Listening to my favorite music helps relax and keep me grounded.

CM 11

Some things I do to destress are spend time with my cat, sleep, or do some self care activities like taking a long shower, face masks, or skin care.

EG 11

Writing/journaling, sleeping

Z.F. 11th

Some things I do to destress are:
– listen to music
– read
– watch tv
– go to the gym
– go on walks
– paint / draw

AC 11

Spend time with friends so you all can bond over the pressure to succeed


How I manage stress is through hobbies like baseball and weightlifting. I dont really feel a pressure to succeed, I just go to school.