The Facts About Alcohol and Other Drugs

Alcohol and drugs can impact your success

While it may appear that many others around you are using alcohol or other drugs, the fact is that MOST students in Mercer Island do not use alcohol or other drugs at all.

According to the Mercer Island Healthy Youth Survey:

  • Most (76%) of MIHS 10th graders reported no alcohol use in the past 30 days
  • Most (82%) of MIHS 10th graders reported never having used marijuana in their lifetimes
  • Most (92%) of MIHS 10th graders reported they had not vaped* in the past 30 days

* vaped = used an electronic cigarette, e-cig, JUUL, or vape pen

Some students in Mercer Island report using alcohol and other drugs in order to deal with high levels of anxiety and stress. The truth is, choosing to use alcohol and other drugs as a way to alleviate anxiety and stress can have a significant impact on your ability to reach your goals. In fact, alcohol and drug use can decrease your productivity and cognitive ability and have a negative impact on your grades and your ability to succeed in school, sports, your extracurricular activities, and achieving your personal life goals.

Health Tips for Avoiding Alcohol and Other Drugs

  1. Remember that alcohol and drug use can negatively impact your performance: Using drugs can impair your memory, focus, and motivation, making it harder to excel in academics, sports, and extracurricular activities.
  2. Drug use can harm your physical and mental health: The developing teen brain is uniquely vulnerable to substance use. Substance use can lead to a range of physical and mental health issues that can impact your ability to succeed.
  3. Keep your long-term goals in mind: Using alcohol and other drugs may offer temporary relief from stress, but it can also hinder your ability to achieve your long-term goals.
  4. Look for positive role models: Surround yourself with people who share the same goals and definition of success.
  5. Consider the impact on your relationships: Substance use can strain relationships with family and friends, which can in turn impact your overall happiness and success.
  6. Avoid legal consequences: Underage alcohol and drug use can lead to legal troubles that can limit your opportunities and success in the future.
  7. Develop strong coping skills: Dealing with stress without drugs can help you build resilience and strong coping skills that can benefit you in all areas of life.
  8. Taking care of your mental health: Drug use can worsen mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, which can impact your ability to succeed in school or work. Prioritize your mental health by seeking professional help if needed.
  9. Focus on personal growth: By choosing not to use alcohol and other drugs, you have the opportunity to grow and improve yourself in a variety of ways, which can lead to greater success and happiness in the long run.

Learn about additional ways to stay healthy!

More Health Tips

Take action

  1. Join S.A.F.E. Club (Super Awesome Fun Events) at Mercer Island High School
    If you’re interested in joining other MIHS students to have conversations and to create solutions to be healthier and happier, join the SAFE Club!
    Sign up here
  2. Find Out More About the Risks and Harms Associated With Alcohol and Drug Use
  3. Need Help or Want to Talk to Someone?
    Access community health resources
  4. Reflect on What “Being Successful” in a Healthy Way Means
    Share your thoughts with your friends